【アジア学院】50周年創立記念日まであと20日。コラボ企画@CAFE KLASSE ESPRESSO~ふれてみて、食べてみる~『お米の物語』体験型ワークショップ開催!英語LinkedInページも開設

2023年8月29日 火曜日 10:17 AM


アジア学院は今年で50周年を迎える、世界の農村リーダーたちを育む小さな学校です。50周年創立記念日まであと20日を切りました。50周年を記念して様々なコラボ企画を展開中です。今回ご案内するのは地元のカフェ「クラスエスプレッソ」とのコラボ企画。8月29日(火)午前11:00より自分たちの食べるごはんと、世界の課題についてお米とのふれあい体験を通じて繋がりを感じるワークショップを開催します。おとなもこどもも、おいしいごはんが好きなひと、カフェクラスエスプレッソに集合!また50周年企画の一環として、英語を話される方向けにはLinkedIn ページを開設しました。9月16日(土)には創立記念イベントをオンラインライブストリーミングし、世界62か国の卒業生たちも集まります。コラボ企画にも、記念イベントにも、ぜひご参加ください!





開催日:2023年8月29日 火曜日


開催場所:CAFE KLASSE ESPRESSO (クラスエスプレッソ) / 〒324-0056 栃木県大田原市中央1丁目2−14

LinkedIn ページを開設ほか、様々な50周年記念企画を展開中
50周年企画の一環として、英語を話される方向けにはLinkedIn ページを開設しました。(和訳されるので日本語でもご覧いただけます)

Do you know how many grains of rice can be obtained from one rice plant?
Rice is a staple food in Japan. Do you know how it is produced and how much time and effort goes into its cultivation? Let's learn important things that are not often taught at school through hands-on workshops!

ARI is a small school that nurtures rural leaders from around the world and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
Every year, about 30 rural leaders from 15 developing countries come to Japan as participants to learn about organic farming and leadership through a self-sufficient lifestyle and return to their home countries to apply their learnings to their local communities. Various collaborative projects are underway to commemorate the 50th anniversary.

ARI is currently developing and hosting a variety of collaborative projects to celebrate its 50th anniversary. We are looking for organizations that are interested in collaborating with us to plan local, national, and international events. Individuals and organizations interested in leadership, self-sufficiency through organic agriculture, and support for developing countries are encouraged to contact us!

We are pleased to announce a collaborative project with a local cafe, Class Espresso. Class Espresso is a beautifully renovated storehouse next to Tokotoko, a community development facility in Otawara City, Tochigi Prefecture.

On Tuesday, August 29, from 11:00 a.m., a workshop will be held to feel the connection between the food we eat and global issues through the experience of interacting with rice. Adults and children alike who love good food will gather at Cafe Class Espresso!
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
place: CAFE KLASSE ESPRESSO / 1-2-14 Chuo, Otawara-shi, Tochigi 324-0056

ARI is currently planning various events to commemorate its 50th anniversary.
As part of our 50th anniversary plans, we have established a LinkedIn page for English speakers.

On Saturday, September 16, the anniversary will be celebrated and graduates from 62 countries will gather via online live streaming. We hope you will join us for both the collaborative project and the anniversary event!



  • 選りすぐりのデイリーニュース
  • メルマガ限定クーポン
  • 激安セール開催の案内