ノーベル平和賞受賞者ムハマド・ユヌス博士の来日記念セミナー「03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST ユヌス博士と高校生との対話」を開催

2023年7月7日 金曜日 6:17 PM

日本外国特派員協会でノーベル平和賞受賞者ムハマド・ユヌス博士の来日記念セミナー「03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST ユヌス博士と高校生との対話」を開催

2023年7月9日に、日本外国特派員協会でノーベル平和賞受賞者ムハマド・ユヌス博士の来日記念セミナー「03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST ユヌス博士と高校生との対話」が開催されます。 この特別なセミナーは、ユヌス博士の来日を記念して開催され、日本外国特派員協会にてもようされ、オンライン配信も行われます。

【English Below】
日本外国特派員協会でノーベル平和賞受賞者ムハマド・ユヌス博士の来日記念セミナー「03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST ユヌス博士と高校生との対話」を開催


[東京都] - 2023年7月9日に、日本外国特派員協会でノーベル平和賞受賞者ムハマド・ユヌス博士の来日記念セミナー「03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST ユヌス博士と高校生との対話」が開催されます。


セミナーでは、SDGs QUEST みらい甲子園に出場した4つの学生チームがそれぞれの取り組みを発表します。さらに、高校生でありながら、株式会社ユーグレナの3代目CFO(未来最高責任者)に就任している渡部さんの取り組みも発表されます。ユヌス博士からの助言を受けながら、学生たちが持つ独創的なアイデアやビジネスについて議論が行われます。(同時通訳付き)

セミナーのプログラムには、以下の内容が含まれMCはTBSテレビの秋沢 淳子氏が務めます。
ーユヌス博士による講演「3ZERO Club」について
ーSDGs QUEST みらい甲子園学生チームの取り組み発表


協力:SDGs QUEST みらい甲子園事務局、グラミンユーグレナ

Announcement: "03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST: Dialogue between Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and High School Students" Commemorative Seminar to be held at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan

Tokyo, Japan - A commemorative seminar titled "03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST: Dialogue between Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and High School Students" will be held on July 9, 2023, at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.
This special seminar is organized in celebration of Dr. Yunus' visit to Japan and will take place at the venue of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.
Due to the extraordinary opportunity to meet Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who has been directly contributing to world peace, applications for this event have flooded in, and the venue is already fully booked.
During the seminar, four student teams that participated in the SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien will present their initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Watanabe, a high school student who serves as the third Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Euglena Co., Ltd., will also present his initiatives. Discussions will be held on the students' creative ideas and businesses with guidance from Dr. Yunus. (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.)
The seminar program will include the following contents, with Ms. Atsuko Akizawa from TBS Television as the MC:
Lecture on "3ZERO Club" by Dr. Yunus
Presentations on the initiatives of the SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien student teams
Presentation on the initiatives of the third CFO of Euglena Co., Ltd.
Concluding comments by Dr. Yunus
Interaction session with participants
The seminar will take place from 13:00 to 15:00 on July 9, Reiwa 5 (Sunday), with doors opening at 12:30. The venue will be the 5th-floor hall of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, located in Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Organizer: Earth Identity Projects (Non-profit organization)
Co-organizers: Yunus Centre Headquarters (Bangladesh)        Yunus Social Business Research Center, Ryukoku University
Supported by: TBS Television
Cooperating organizations: SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien Secretariat, Grameen Euglena

Announcement: "03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST: Dialogue between Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and High School Students" Commemorative Seminar to be held at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan

Tokyo, Japan - A commemorative seminar titled "03 ZERO CLUB meets SDGs QUEST: Dialogue between Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and High School Students" will be held on July 9, 2023, at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.
This special seminar is organized in celebration of Dr. Yunus' visit to Japan and will take place at the venue of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.
Due to the extraordinary opportunity to meet Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who has been directly contributing to world peace, applications for this event have flooded in, and the venue is already fully booked.
During the seminar, four student teams that participated in the SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien will present their initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Watanabe, a high school student who serves as the third Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Euglena Co., Ltd., will also present his initiatives. Discussions will be held on the students' creative ideas and businesses with guidance from Dr. Yunus. (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.)
The seminar program will include the following contents, with Ms. Atsuko Akizawa from TBS Television as the MC:

・Lecture on "3ZERO Club" by Dr. Yunus
・Presentations on the initiatives of the SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien student teams
・Presentation on the initiatives of the third CFO of Euglena Co., Ltd.
・Concluding comments by Dr. Yunus
・Interaction session with participants

The seminar will take place from 13:00 to 15:00 on July 9, Reiwa 5 (Sunday), with doors opening at 12:30. The venue will be the 5th-floor hall of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, located in Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

Organizer: Earth Identity Projects (Non-profit organization)
Co-organizers: Yunus Centre Headquarters (Bangladesh)   
        Yunus Social Business Research Center, Ryukoku University
Supported by: TBS Television
Cooperating organizations: SDGs QUEST Mirai Koshien Secretariat, Grameen Euglena



  • 選りすぐりのデイリーニュース
  • メルマガ限定クーポン
  • 激安セール開催の案内